• About MIRP
  • Instructions and interface

  • MIRP Layout Designer
  • MIRP (MIDI Input to Roblox Piano) Documentation

    Menu contents

    The menu contains three submenus - "File", "MIDI" and "Help".

    The "File" submenu is used for working with MIDI/layout files. It contains:

    "Open MIDI..." option - executes a dialog to open a MIDI file to play later;
    "Close MIDI" option - to close an already opened MIDI file;
    "Open layout..." option - executes a dialog to open a MIDI-to-keystrokes layout (made by MIRP Layout Designer) and use it;
    "Open MIRP Layout Designer" option - to open an instance of MIRP Layout Designer;
    "Exit" option - to, well, exit the program.

    The "MIDI" submenu is for working with already opened MIDI files (play/pause/stop). It contains:

    "Play MIDI" option - plays opened MIDI file;
    "Pause MIDI" option - pauses opened MIDI file, keeping the current time location;
    "Stop MIDI" option - stops opened MIDI file, resetting the time location to start.

    The "Help" submenu is for program information and accessing this documentation. It contains:

    "About" option - opens a window with a quick summary of the program's purpose;
    "Documentation" option - opens this documentation.

    This work is shared under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

    © GreatCorn, 2020