An example of SCCOL and SCML syntax (Notepad++)

Pong recreated entirely on SCML as markup language for form design and SCCOL as scripting language


FORM: Programming language, interpreter

LATEST UPDATE: 06.06.2020 (v0.11.3.1)

CREATION DATE: 03.05.2020

DESCRIPTION: "S-COM Command-Oriented Languge (SCCOL) is a programming language designed to work under the SCP Foundation, preferably on the S-COM Communication Software as well as being the base of SCP-PC user actions and control. SCCOL is based on commands, so every operation is mostly a command with the support of procedures, functions, operators and the memory buffer. It is designed to be simple and easy to learn, but capable of completing tasks ranging from basic to more advanced."

First originating from an S-COM SOFTWARE 1.3 (SCP - Containment Breach) recreation (later forming as a programming language in an S-COM SOFTWARE 1.5 HTML recreation), SCCOL went through a lot of major changes - from being able to write multiple commands per input to importable libraries. Now it's written in Object Pascal, which allows it to be easily embedded into other programs. This led to the creation of S-CCOLLIDE, a development environment for SCCOL and SCML (S-COM Markup Language), which allowed to create forms and GUI applications.

LICENSE: GNU General Public License v3.0
© Yevhenii Ionenko (aka GreatCorn), 2020

LINKS: GitHub, YouTube


