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Hell's Book (Книга Ада)

FORM: Prose, Novella, Short Story

GENRE: Horror, Fable

DURATION: About a half-hour

DATE: ??.??.2014

DESCRIPTION: A novella, or short story written by me as a 10-year-old. Has some phylosophical questions about darkness and light. The work includes me, a fictional character named Anna and my close friend and back then classmate, Super S.

The subplot of the story was unknowingly reused in DREATH a long time after, though the roles were reversed this time. The included illustrations are made by me in 2020.

LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
© Yevhenii Ionenko (aka GreatCorn), 2014-2020

LINKS: ENGLISH: Direct Download, Google Drive
RUSSIAN: Direct Download, Google Drive


