Musya and Basya

FORM: Digital painting

GENRE: Primitivism

DATE: ??.??.2008

DESCRIPTION: A timeless masterpiece, depicting the two of my cats at that time - Musya (to the left) and Basya (to the right). The work depitcs a scene in its action, Musya, presumably meowing at the viewer, breaking the 4th wall, simultaneously taking her sight off the food in her bowl that she was about to eat. At that moment, emerges Basya with an impudent grin, reaching her paw out with malicious intent - either to harm innocent old Musya, or to just steal her precious meal, leaving her hungry and sad.

The painting shows a satire towards our society, showing that the hard-working people never win, as their reward gets taken by the unscrupulous rascals for their own good, while the good members of society are distracted by simply thanking the one who gave them the reward, basically God, putting the viewer at the place of Him.

This also can be reinterpreted. Musya is having food in her bowl, a source of life, just enough to sustain her. Yet, she is asking for more, or maybe for a different kind of food. The food in her plate is perfectly edible, as we see Basya reaching out for it. But Musya is not thankful for what the life, God gives her. While she is still busy asking, Basya comes as punishment to steal her food and leave Musya with nothing, to rethink her decisions and confess her sins.

LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
© Yevhenii Ionenko (aka GreatCorn), 2008-2021