

Ragy's YouTube profile pictures


OTHER NICKNAMES: Oatmeal Pilaf (Овсяный Плов), Лорай


LINKS: YouTube, GreatCorn's Playlist

GreatCorn first met Ragy through Misha. They were playing Roblox together and GreatCorn joined up. After helping Misha do some streams with Ragy (then nicknamed Lorai), GreatCorn started playing Roblox with him. Their most played game was Build a Boat for Treasure. There, Ragy got his title of "The Master of Glitches and Bugs" and "The Great DDoSer", as the way he exploited the game was remarkable. If a game was played with Ragy, it was guaranteed to be broken. His attitude can best described as chaotic and random. Later, Great Tomato followed in his "DDoSing" steps.

Ragy was one of the first to establish Kurlykistan and, together with Rroziew formed GreatCorn's nickname Vorobushek Blin Krevetovich. He was the one to promote Basya to a significant role in the lore and inside jokes. He was the one who started calling GreatCorn grechka (buckwheat, гречка), in turn GreatCorn called him ovsianka (oatmeal, овсянка).

Ragy helped in the development of SCP - Isolation (testing, ideas), later helping a little with testing 87 - An Epilogue.

While playing Phasmophobia, Ragy introduced GreatCorn to CumCat and Assins (Stalker).

Goose Ovsianka Ananasovich